Reflections for 2002 was a resounding success, with many Dallas students taking top honors in their respective categories. Click here to request a complete listing of Dallas area awards and honorable mention.
Reflections is an arts recognition and achievement program for students based on the belief that all children deserve a quality arts education. When children express themselves through words, pictures, music, and other art forms, they grow intellectually and increase their self-confidence.
Students may take photographs, make paintings, drawings and prints, write songs, sonnets, poems, plays or short stories or compose a concerto! Each student may enter in any of the four arts areas: literature, visual arts, photography and music. Students may submit more than one entry in any or all of the four arts areas.
The Reflections program has the most participation of any PTA program with entries totaling over 61,000 across the state. Texas proudly leads the country this year with nine national awards.
Entry forms and additional information on the Reflections Program are given in Section 8 of the Texas PTA Handbook. Entry forms can also be found on the Texas PTA Reflection Downloads page. Or you can contact Pat Nagler here in Dallas for more information.
Click here to view visual arts and photography selections from across the state.
Click here to view our Overall Award of Excellence visual arts and photography selections.
Click here for literature and music.
Click here for a list of entries by district.